Sat-Lite RC4000 Antenna Controller: Outdoor Mounted

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  • Brand: Sat-Lite Technologies
  • SKU: SLT104


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for Sat‐Lite Technologies Motorized Flyaway Antennas

The Sat-Lite Technologies RC4000 Antenna Controller is a fully weatherized unit that is pre-integrated with the Antenna System. The unit can be supplied with GPS, Compass, and DVB receiver to provide accurate position and antenna heading information. Optional Beacon Receiver, Spectrum Analyzer, and multiple user interfaces are available. The control unit deploys the antenna to an accurate elevation and polarization angle and then sweeps in azimuth to locate a signpost satellite (with known DVB signal). The onboard DVB receiver locks on the satellite and positively identifies it. Accurate look angles can then be used to peak on the final target / desired satellite longitude.

  • High Performance Outdoor Mounted Antenna Controller for Flyaways or Vehicle Mounts
  • GUI Ethernet Web Browser Interface with optional handheld remote
  • User Programmable DVB-S/S2 Receiver for Positive Satellite ID
  • Fully Enclosed and Weatherized Enclosure Mounted on Antenna
  • GPS / Compass Options for Auto Acquisition
  • Inclined Orbit Tracking Options – Steptrack / Memory Track and High Performance Beacon Receiver
  • L Band Spectrum Analyzer Option

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