With Ayecka’s TM1 Pro, operator can keep using their legacy DVB-S equipment, while migrating to DVB-S2 links.
Ayecka Patented technology (US patent 7,603,075) provide SNMP interface to theTransmodulator. Using this interface, Ayecka implement ACM with the TM1 Pro.TM1 Pro is also used to upgrade DVB-S2 CCM receivers to operan VCM/ACM modes. Hundreds of TM1 Pro units are deployed all over the world, providing operators the OPAX advantages of DVB-S2 with out the CAPAX burden of migration.
TM1 Pro is also used to upgrade DVB-S2 CCM receivers to operan VCM/ACM modes.
Hundreds of TM1 Pro units are deployed all over the world, providing operators the OPAX advantages of DVB-S2 with out the CAPAX burden of
Thanks to the Ayecka TM1-Pro, operators of existing DVB-S based VSAT networks can now easily migrate to DVB-S2 and take advantage of savings in operational costs. Rather than replacing the VSAT itself, a simple and cost-effective upgrade can solve the DVB-S2 compliance requirement. The new TM1-Pro trans-modulation solution from Ayecka enables a smooth, quick, economical migration path to improve existing VSAT assets.
Minimal logistic efforts are required to implement the TM1-Pro upgrade, and the ROI payback is estimated at 5-7 months.
The Ayecka TM1-Pro is a unique trans-modulation device designed as a practical and trouble-free way to migrate existing VSAT and one way networks to DVB-S2. The TM1-Pro is an indoor unit easily installed by the end user between the LNB and the VSAT.
The TM1 operates as a transparent and integral upgrade to the network. The TM1 makes it simple and cost effective to migrate to the more efficient DVB-S2 standard, thus protecting the current investment in the VSAT network
- Converts DVB-S2 signal to DVB-S
- Works on Data and TV services
- Advanced DVB-S2 front end – 16/32 APSK
- 30% saving with CCM and up to 70% with ACM
- Ideal for VCM (C-Band ) and ACM ( Ku-Band)
- Rx symbol rate from 150ksps to 45Msps
- ACM signaling based on ETSI TS 102 441
The TM1-Pro converts DVB-S2 signals to DVB-S allowing use of DVB-S receivers with DVB-S2 links. Integration of the TM1-Pro with existing receivers (VSAT or one way) is quick and simple. An operator need only configure the IRD to receive an L-Band input of 1Ghz at 27Msps. The TM1Pro is configured according to the satellite signals parameters.
TM1 Pro is the optimal solution for upgrading existing 8PSK DVB-S2 networks to 16APSK, or existing CCM DVB-S2 to ACM or VCM.
The TM1 Pro was designed to simplify the upgrade process – both in cost and time.
DVB-S2 is the second-generation standard for satellite broadcasting, which has been widely adopted by the broadcasting industry. The new standard benefits from recent developments in channel coding (LDPC codes) combined with a variety of modulation formats (QPSK, 8PSK and 16APSK). This more efficient technology yields increased transmission capacity along with ~30% improvement in space segment utilization.
DVB-S2 provides VCM and ACM mode to optimize channel utilization by variable coding per packet.
Companies which have invested in DVB-S based VSATs are facing a situation where this technology may become obsolete due to the onslaught of the new DVB-S2 technology. The new-generation DVB-S2 technology offers several advantages over DVB-S, the main ones are 30% savings in bandwidth and support for multi stream.
From a technical perspective, existing DVB-S VSATs can continue to provide most of the services like Return channel and Routing, It is the receiver that has to be upgraded.
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